
Take this short article:

When they refer to something as a right it is something that exists independently from a government. Rights are inherent. Imbued upon us by our creator as it were.

It’s also clear that such things were never meant to be subjected to a vote.

This also ties into why our government is a republic not a democracy.

They knew, too well, that democracies tear themselves apart.

So do republics, but they’re more resilient.

I had an honest psychology professor back in the day.  He had his own practice and would tell us this is what the patient looked like when sitting in the waiting room.  The subject of homosexuality arose and he mentioned that he could document that it was removed from the DSM by political pressure and not by evidence.  I never followed up with him to find the evidence, just noted his descriptions of issues rang true with my later interactions.

I ran across this article this morning on the subject and was intrigued that the removal date was earlier than I had figured from class.  I note that this removal was listed as the only one done by vote and not by scientific evidence as stated in the article.  Therefore, realize that the psychology profession has been hijacked by political agenda.  Choose your practitioners carefully.

It’s Not Trump Derangement Syndrome

h/t knuckledraggin.com

It’s not derangement, it’s war.

The Democrats’ onslaught against Trump—the only force that stands in their way—is a testament to their will to power. President Trump didn’t cause the crazy attacks on him. The Russian collusion hoax was foisted on the country by the highest levels of the Obama Administration (likely including Obama himself, although no one will state the obvious) before Trump even entered the Oval Office.

This isn’t delusional or deranged behavior, it is deliberate political behavior aimed directly at the same old political end: power. Democrats—voters as well as party hacks—followed their leaders into the moral abyss because they didn’t care about undoing a legitimate election. They just wanted to win, at any cost to America and to our democracy.

I will note we used to have a republic.  That is just faux at this point as the bureaucracies have picked up the mantel of government.  That is where the power is, and we have had 2 years of observation of agencies violating the law with the goal of altering an election.  Side note – note the election fraud isn’t even an argued point now.  It’s just a numbers game and one side just recounts, finds ballots, etc until the numbers go their way and then calls victory.  Imagine if we had a democracy where the mob rule truly ran without check.  The little remaining republic we have is enough to keep them in check and they understand that must be removed – either by political games, voter intimidation, illegal votes, etc.  I agree with the author.  This is just a raw desire for power.  Anyone with that as their goal is a fearsome individual or group.   Stay alert and keep your powder dry.

Update: I was informed the link was incorrect and have updated it.  Sorry.

I have said previously how I have noted that those who seek the truth come away from the left.  Truth cannot live there in the midst of lies.  In the comments of this article I found the following:

Agree. But if (D)s were truly outraged, they wouldn’t be (D)s. This is why their outrage is always selective and superficial. Genuine outrage requires adherence to rigid standards. And once you risk following those, it can dangerously lead to introspection, intellectual honesty and ultimately, the chains come off and you run as fast as you can off the (D) plantation.

The only outrage you’ll see is the minimal amount needed to wipe her off the primary docket. If she is ostracized it won’t be because of the purity of the (D) hearts. It will be just another power play.

When I watch other drivers with disgust, it’s not because I can’t get to my destination a few seconds earlier.  It’s recognizing that the rules that used to be the bedrock of civilization are no longer in play and the only adherence to “law” is when the police are there.  This representative so obviously played the race card for affirmative action freebies, it’s hardly arguable.  Affirmative action – another law which needs to be tossed into the scrap heap.  Remember that at its base is the concept that the person cannot measure up to high standards, so needs help.  With that concept in mind, consider again the reasons this representative claimed status.

Note that the winner of the war writes the history of it.  In this case, it is good that some actual information has managed to seep through the cracks.  It is troubling to note how similar the circumstances are to what is being done now – by the media and other groups.  The original Constitution was dealt a death blow by the war of northern aggression.  Now, the left is trying to finish off any hint that remains.

Read here.

Just a hint:

Gradual emancipation would have allowed the economy and labor system of the South to gradually adjust to a free paid labor system without economic collapse. Furthermore, since the New England States were responsible for the development of slavery in America, Southerners saw the morality claims by the North as blatant hypocrisy. The first state to legalize slavery had been Massachusetts in 1641 and this law was directed primarily at Indians. In colonial times the economic infrastructure of the port cities of the North was dependent upon the slave trade. The first slave ship in America, “THE DESIRE”, was fitted out in Marblehead, Massachusetts…

This political cause ties in to the above listed efforts by New England Industrialists. Beginning about 1830 the Northern Newspapers began to slander the South. The Industrialists used this tool to indoctrinate the common people of the North. They used slavery as a scapegoat and brought the morality claim up to a feverish pitch. Southerners became tired of reading in the Northern Newspapers about what bad and evil people they were just because their neighbor down the road had a few slaves.

Siblinginbox and I were talking on a close subject recently and the observation was made that a law passed could be repealed.  The only way to permanently destroy something with no recourse was war.  Post the war, the victor chooses the new rules and there is no return to historical norms.

When I hear a leftist speak, I usually consider whatever comes out of the mouth a projection of what they are doing.  Rose law firm, land deals, etc were all presented as “everyone’s doing it.”  Except not every one was.  There is a telling sentence in this article which has a wonderful rational explanation of that observation:

The President’s critics very likely make this mistaken assumption because it’s the only way they could imagine themselves responding as he does.

Their normal response is the basis for considering how the president’s response is interpreted.  This is simply an extension of cultural applications.  There was a Korean girl in my first college.  She was newly moved from that country.  At the end of lunch, she pushed back from the table a little and let out an impressive belch.  The lunch room went silent.  In her experience, that was how you complimented the cook.  The cultural interpretation was not applicable in the different setting.  The compliment was there, but expressed in a manner not consistent with the new cultural setting.  In a similar fashion, the culture in which leftists immerse themselves presents itself in how they interpret the actions of others.  Their assumptions are simply products of their thought processes applied to a culture not their own.  So, I simply look at their statements as presentations of how they would behave in similar circumstances.

Yesterday, mominbox’s phone rang.  I handed the unit to her and heard a couple of words seemingly like request for money.  Mominbox was trying to protest that she didn’t give donations on the phone and I put out my hand towards the phone.  Mominbox noted the gesture and said that the caller was to speak with me.  (Ahem…) Good evening, how can I help?  The female voice on the other end started reading the script of how the Republican National Committee was a big supporter of President Trump and they were wanting $100 donation to help with their efforts of outreach.  I reached into my hat and pulled out “abortion”.  “Umm, why should I send money to a group who takes my money and supports abortion?”  The caller tried to say there was a difference between the legislative efforts and their need to get my money to encourage younger voters to vote Republican.  I persisted.   You want me to support a group who has taken my money and given it to an agency known to murder babies and sell their body parts against the law.  The caller tried to finish reading her script in the middle of which I posited that this phone number was to be placed on the “do not call” list.  I got no assurance that would be done, but was smiling when the phone clicked.

Please join me.  Other issues I could have used would be immigration, TSA, Obammacare, horrific rules applied to military, lack of a budget, etc.  In other words, the field is wide open.

Former Hillary Clinton Employee Arrested On Treason Charges

There are a couple notable examples from the Vietnam era who should have been tried and executed, but one became a presidential candidate and the other made movies.

Building a house the old fashioned way.

I wish I could argue that this guy is wrong.

This is one for the strong stomachs and a bit of fuel to spur anger towards the congress critters who keep removing our money and giving to this monster.

I wish the bulk of the judiciary behaved in this fashion.  We should have more advocates for criminals silenced when they behave stupidly.  For those who want to argue that he was a defense attorney and the criminal needed defense, let me ask the following – wasn’t the trial the location where the truth was to be presented and justice administered accordingly?  It never was to be a location for the most practiced lawyers to have felons escape justice.  That desire for truth is now missing.

There is a reason.

There is also a reason I read blogs and avoid the idiot box propaganda news.  This is just one example.  There are more out there than I would wish to consider, or waste my time trying to find.

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